Wednesday, July 15

In the beginning... where to go from here

So I made my decision for grad school almost a year ago. The worst part about making this decision, when I did, was that there wasn't much I could do for a while. I selected my programs to apply to. I've been studying for the standardized tests. I've been working on my personal statements. I've been trying to build my CV. I had a lot more plans for the summer, and now that the summer's end is in sight, I'm starting to panic a little. I've got a lot of stuff on my plate, and I've got to cram more in before I send off my apps.

By the end of summer, I will:
-Take and finish my GRE prep course, hopefully raising my prospective GRE score dramatically from my diagnostic combined 1200.
-Mostly finish my personal statements.
-Finish prep for my Psychology and Law course, including all the parts of the mock trial.
-Make more headway in my research for my study on the psychological effects of pro same-sex marriage legislation on heterosexuals.
-Potentially organize and prepare to supervise peer mentoring/education program.
-Decide on writers of LORs and contact them.
-Finish wish lists for new apartment needs.

This coming semester, I will:
-Take two classes: Behavioral Stats and Feminist Philosophy.
-Teach one class: Psychology and Law.
-Potentially supervise peer mentoring/education program.
-Take both General and Psych GREs.
-Completely finish personal statements.
-Make sure LORs are sent.
-Assemble app packets, fill out online apps.
-Learn SPSS.

Next semester, I will:
-Go on a Mexican Riviera cruise.
-Not stress too much about apps being reviewed.
-Take two classes: Research in Psych and another to be named later.
-Potentially teach another class.
-Prepare for and go to interviews for choice programs.
-Get accepted!

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